Release Notes
Identity Provisioning 4.3.0


  • Product: Identity Provisioning
  • Platform: Any supported

Core updates 4.3.0 released February 15th 2019

Identity Provisioning 4.3.0 update improves the stability, compatibility, and security of your solution, and is recommended for all installations.

New actions

Action for IST
A new action for exporting information from IST has been created. Read more here.

Action for Visma
New actions for provisioning to and from Visma Personec and Neptune have been created. Read more here.

Standard action updates

Add Static Attribute, version 2.0
– Bug Fix – SESSION() and GLOBAL() can now be used together in the attribute value.

Generate Email Address, version 1.4
– New Feature – New parameters have been added to make it possible to check the email uniqueness in a second LDAP directory.

Match to LDAP Object, version 3.0
– Improvement – The attribute names in parameter ‘Get Attributes’ are now case insensitive.

Remove Object, version 2.2
– Improvement – If the keep value or delete value starts with a white space, the space won’t be trimmed.

Run PowerShell Command, version 1.0
– New Action – Launch and run a PowerShell command, without any response from the PowerShell execution. The PowerShell command will be started, and then the action moves on.

Run PowerShell File, version 1.0
-New Action – Launch and run a PowerShell file, without any response from the PowerShell execution. The PowerShell file execution will be started, and then the action moves on.

Send Mail, version 2.6
– Improvement – If the file to be attached to the mail is missing it will be handled as a failure.

String Substring, version 1.3
– New Feature – A new parameter has been added to make it possible to remove a fixed number of characters from the end of the value, instead of removing the characters after character at a given index.

String Trim, version 1.2
– New Feature – The action can now be used to remove leading and trailing characters of any kind, in addition to white space.

Write to LDAP by Delete and Add, version 1.4
-New Feature – New parameter to configure if LDAP connection errors should cause the action to fail or if the error message attribute should be used instead.

Write to XML File, version 1.7
– New Feature – New parameters to configure allowed characters in tag names.

Additional action updates

Navet V2 Person Lookup, version 1.2
– Improvements – The action will now create more session attributes from the result from Navet. Read more here.


Identity Provisioning is now tested and bundled with java 1.8.0_181 from Azule.

Bug fixes
– Timestamp based policies do now support GLOBAL() when using generalized time format in Active Directory.
– When importing .aax files, multiple line feeds in parameter values will be imported as expected now.

End of Support
Information about the oldest supported version can be found here.