PIP 5.3.4 Release Notes

August 26th 2021

PhenixID Identity Provisioning (IP) 5.3.4 improves the stability, compatibility and security of your solution, and is recommended for all installations.

Major new features

1. Backup of config.aam file

A backup of the last saved config.aam file will be made every time you save the configuration in the Configurator. The backup files will be stored in the new folder Configbackup in the IP main folder. The backup files are given a new name, containing the date and time they are created.

In Tools -> Utilities you can specify for how many days the backup files should be saved before deleted. Deleting of old backup files are only made in conjunction with you saving the configuration.

2. New scheduler type

A new scheduler type has been added, for more advanced scheduling. The type is called Cron Trigger, and is described in PSD1185.

3. Skip objects in Policy Debugger

It is now possible to deselect objects in the objects list, when running a policy in the debugger. The deselect objects will be skipped, but it is only possible to deselect objects that have not already begun to run any actions.

New or updated features

1. Search in parameter value

When using right click on a parameter value in an action, you open the Text Editor which is useful when entering long values. In the Text Editor, a search field have been added, to give you the chance to search for any value in the text. If the parameter value contains the search value multiple times, the cursor will move to the next occurrence when you hit the search button again.

2. LDAP Policy

The text fields for entering LDAP information in a policy using an LDAP data source will now expand when you expand the window. This makes it easier to read the full information.

3. Import objects

When importing configuration objects, a new column have been added for the object icon. This will give a better overview of what objects are imported.

4. Multiple Condition Filter

The Multiple Condition Filter used in actions like Run Action and Run Policy can now handle multivalue attributes.

5. Load local configuration

When working on a remote configuration, there is an option to load the local configuration again. A prompt is now made for you to verify that you want to load the local configuration, so you don’t do it by mistake.

Updated Actions

1. String Substring

Version 1.4
A new parameter have been added to make it possible to save the result from the action in another attribute than the original.

2. Google Directory Admin Sync Group Members

Version 2.0
Improvement. The action has been updated to ignore current members in the google group that does not belong to the managed google domain, such as manually added e-mail addresses.

Read more about this action package in PSD1171.


1. Java

Identity Provisioning is now tested and bundled with java 15.0.2_7 from Azul.

2. Updated dependencies

The following jar files have been added for the new scheduler type:

The following jar file has been updated to a new version for the new scheduler type:
slf4j-api-1.6.2.jar -> slf4j-api-1.7.7.jar

3. Upgrade verifications

Verify so there is no duplicate Jar-files, as this might cause an unexpected behavior.

Compare /lib with /ext. If duplicates exists, make sure to keep the latest version of jar-files.

4. End of Support

Information about the oldest supported version can be found here.