PIP 5.3.3 Release Notes

June 11th 2021

PhenixID Identity Provisioning (IP) 5.3.3 improves the stability, compatibility and security of your solution, and is recommended for all installations.

Updated Actions

1. Remove Object

Version 2.3
Bug fix. The keep and remove filter values were not allowed to end with a ). This have been changed.

2. Google Directory Admin Sync Group Members

Version 2.0
Improvement. The action has been updated to ignore current members in the google group that does not belong to the managed google domain, such as manually added e-mail addresses.

Read more about this action package in PSD1171.


1. Java

Identity Provisioning is now tested and bundled with java 15.0.2_7 from Azule.

2. Updated dependencies

The following jar files have been added for web service actions using SOAP to work with Java 15:

3. Upgrade verifications

Verify so there is no duplicate Jar-files, as this might cause an unexpected behavior.

Compare /lib with /ext. If duplicates exists, make sure to keep the latest version of jar-files.

4. End of Support

Information about the oldest supported version can be found here.