

Version: 1.7

Category: Output

Extended Category: Web

Action Package: Standard Actions


Sends a http delete request to a RESTful web service. Basic Authentication, OAuth and no authentication is supported.

Parameter Description Example
Web Service Endpoint URL[Mandatory] The URL for the webservice endpoint URL. Supports GLOBAL() and SESSION().
Basic Authentication Username[Optional] The username for WS basic authentication. Supports GLOBAL().admin
Basic Authentication Password[Optional] The password for WS basic authentication. Supports GLOBAL().password
Client Authentication Keystore Path[Optional] Path to a keystore to use for authenticating the client towards the server. Only used for TLS (SSL). Leave empty to not use client authentication.C:\PIP\client-tls.pkcs12
Client Authentication Keystore Password[Optional] If a keystore for client authentication is configured, use this password to unlock the keystore.secret-password
Client Authentication Keystore Type[Optional] If a keystore for client authentication is configured, this determines what type of keystore it’s stored in. Supported values are for example “jks” and “pkcs12”. Default is pkcs12.pkcs12
OAuth Token URL[Optional] The token URL for OAuth authentication. Supports GLOBAL().
OAuth Scope[Optional] The scope for the OAuth authentication. Supports GLOBAL().users
OAuth Client ID[Optional] The client ID for the OAuth authentication. Supports GLOBAL().my_client_id
OAuth Client Secret[Optional] The client secret for the OAuth authentication. Supports GLOBAL().my_secret_password
Headers[Optional] Additional headers for the request in format headerName1|headerValue1,headerName2|headerValue2. Leave empty to ignore. Supports GLOBAL() and SESSION().myHeader|SESSION(headerValue)
Body text:The text body to send. If using json, please verify json formatting in external tool.SESSION(delete-reason)
Charset to be Used[Optional] Charset. Defaults to UTF-8.UTF-8
Content-type[Optional] Content-type. Defaults to application/json.application/json
Success string[Optional] String to retrieve on successful response. Leave empty to ignore.success
Response Body Attribute[Optional] Specify attribute to write response body to. Leave empty to ignore.responseBody
Response Http Status Code Attribute[Optional] Specify attribute to write http response code to. Leave empty to ignore.responseCode
Response Header Attribute(s)[Optional] Specify the headers to create session attributes for. Enter * to create attributes for all headers. Leave empty to ignore.Content-Type
No of Simultaneous Calls[Optional] The action can create multiple threads to create multiple calls to the web service asynchronously. Enter the number of threads to create. Maximum is 100. Default: 1.3

Use Cases

Example 1: Delete users in web service using Basic Authentication

Parameter Example
Web Service Endpoint URL
Basic Authentication Usernameadmin
Basic Authentication Passwordpassword
OAuth Token URL[BLANK]
OAuth Scope[BLANK]
OAuth Client ID[BLANK]
OAuth Client Secret[BLANK]
Charset to be UsedUTF-8
Success Stringsuccess
Response Body AttributeresponseBody
Response Http Status Code AttributeresponseCode
Response Header Attribute(s)[BLANK]
No of Simultaneous Calls[BLANK]

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