
PSD1109 – Send Identity Manager audit log to database


PhenixID Identity Manager 5.1.0 to 5.3.3.

This document does NOT cover the basics of logging. The basics, like logging level for example is explained in PSD1105.


This document describes the steps needed to perform IM auditing to database. It is assumed that a database and table for the audit log has been created.


1. Edit log4j.xml

The settings for logs are made in log4j.xml, located in /customer/extension/class, and by default the audit log is sent to a file.

2. Available log values

The values that could be written to the database are standard log4j values, like time, log level and the whole log message. But, if you would like to separate different parts of the log message into different columns in the database table, we provide the following values:

%X{audit.userDN} - The DN for the logged in user
%X{audit.objectDN} - The DN for the affected object
%X{audit.message} - The audit message, without the above values

3. Example

<appender name="jdbc" class="org.apache.log4j.jdbc.JDBCAppender"> 
  <param name="URL" value="jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://" /> 
  <param name="Driver" value="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver" /> 
  <param name="User" value="admin" /> 
  <param name="Password" value="password" /> 
  <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout"> 
    <param name="ConversionPattern" value="INSERT INTO imaudit (auditDate, userDN, objectDN, message) VALUES ( '%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}', '%X{audit.userDN}','%X{audit.objectDN}','%X{audit.message}' )" /> 

<logger name="audit" >
  <level value="DEBUG"/>
  <appender-ref ref="jdbc"/> 

This is an example of sending the audit log to a Microsoft SQL database. If using other database, use the appropriate driver and url.

4. Set policies for audit in

To enable audit logging, set this policy:


To set the audit level, set this policy with one of the values:


After the changes please restart PhenixID Identity Manager service.

5. Other

Ensure the database user has “insert” and “read” access rights to the audit table.

Make sure to copy the appropriate .jar files for the database driver to the /customer/extension/lib folder. 

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