Upgrade from later versions of IM than 5.1.0

About this guide

This guide describes how to upgrade from a later version of Identity Manger 5.1.0.
If you are upgrading from an earlier version than IM 5.1.0, please click this link.


This document is primarily written for Identity Manager system administrators.

Upgrade overview

There are two major steps when upgrading from Identity Manager:

  1. Upgrade using the Identity Manager installer.
    During an upgrade the installer will remove and replace the following folders /server, /jre and /application.
  2. Manually updates not covered by the installer.
    Since the /customer folder (or any other web app folder added) is not touched by the installer all updates that might come with a new IM versions needs to be added manually.
  3. Check out Identity Manager best practices

1. Upgrade using the Identity Manager installer

  1. Verify that the current version is newer than IM 5.1.0.
  2. Stop the PhenixID Identity Manager service
  3. Run installer as an administrator. (on windows, “Run as administrator”)
  4. On the Welcome to the PhenixID Identity Manager Setup Wizard page, select Yes, update existing installation. Click Next.
  5. On the License Agreement – Read the license agreement and select I accept the agreement, then click Next.
  6. On the Confirm upgrade  page – click Next.
  7. “Select License File”  Click Browse to locate your license file, then click Next.
  8. Click Confirm when you reach the last installer page.

2. Manually updates not covered by the installer

Since an upgrade of IM remove and replace everything except the CONFIG folder, any update to the CONFIG folder prior to your original installation needs to be added manually.
Read following document and update manually each item in CONFIG folder: PSD1118

3. Check out our Identity Manager best practices

During an upgrade, take some time and verify your installation against our best practice.
Read following document and update manually each item in CONFIG folder: PSD1110