PIM 5.6.5 – Release Notes

PhenixID Identity Manager 5.6.5 improves the stability, compatibility and security of your solution, and is recommended for all installations.

1. Icon cache policy added

In environments using an LDAP directory with a lot of objects (+100.000), when selecting a role after login to 5.6.0 you may notice that it takes some time before the MAIN view is loaded. This is because an icon cache is created, to make searches in MAIN faster. This was introduced in PIM 5.6.0. With PIM 5.6.5 there is a policy to enable the pre PIM 5.6.0 way to manage icons.
Best practice is to have it the new way and in most cases there’s no need to set the policy.
In large LDAP directories, set the policy and then make sure that searches in MAIN does not result in large result set if possible, for best user experience.
The new policy is:
USE_ICON_CACHE=false/true (if no policy is set then default value is true.)

This parameter is also added to the theme.properties PSD, PSD1057.

2. Virtual View and icons in tree view

Virtual Views lost icons in tree view in PIM 5.6.0.
This has now been corrected.

For more information about virtual views, please read PSD1098.

3. Translation of new labels corrected

In earlier version we added support for labels, to some of the controls that
didn’t already support it.
If a lang-file was used for this, translation didn’t work correctly.
This has now been corrected.

4. PIM/PIP Use Cases

We have and will keep creating use cases to provide different solutions on how PIP and PIP can be used. An overview of all use cases can be found in PSD1173.
New use cases added since last release of PIM is a manage partner/external users, see PSD1168.