
Convert JSON to Session Attributes

Version: 1.0

Category: Process

Extended Category: JSON

Action Package: Standard Actions


Convert the first level of properties in a JSON object to session attributes.

Parameter Description Example
Attribute(s) with JSON object[Mandatory] The attribute(s) that contains the JSON object. Multiple attributes can be entered comma separated.jsonObject
Attribute Name Mapping[Optional] To rename one or multiple attributes. Use format JsonProperty1|MyAttributeName1,JsonProperty2|MyAttributeName2. Default, the attributes will remain the name used in the JSON object.givenname|firstname

Use Cases

Example 1

Session attribute ‘person’ on the session object:


Printer friendly, the value is:

Parameter Value
Attribute(s) with JSON objectperson
Attribute Name Mappingfirstname|givenname,lastname|sn

New session attributes after the action has run:

'givenname' with the single value 'Simon'
'sn' with the single value 'Smith'
'married' with the single value 'true'
'childrenNames' with the multi values 'Sarah', 'James'
'childrenAges' with the multi values '5', '11'
'pets' with the multi values 

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