
Step by Step – Upgrade PhenixID ADFS MFA Adapter(s)


This document will guide you through the steps to upgrade PhenixID ADFS MFA Adapter(s) to the latest version.



  1. On the ADFS server, open AD FS Management tool
  2. Deselect usage of any PhenixID ADFS MFA Adapter
  3. On the ADFS server(s), unregister the current ADFS adapter(s)
  4. Download new binaries from
  5. On the ADFS server(s), backup all file in C:\PhenixIDAuthenticationProvider
  6. On the ADFS server(s), replace the files in C:\PhenixIDAuthenticationProvider with the files from the download
  7. Verify that your PhenixID Authentication Services instance (which the adfs adapters connect to) is version 3.0 or higher
  8. Verify that your PhenixID Authentication Services configuration is correct according to the instructions in
  9. On the ADFS server(s), change the ADFS adapter properties file(s) according to the instructions in
  10. Register the adapter(s) again (on every ADFS server in the farm), using the provided .ps powershell scripts
  11. Open AD FS Management tool
  12. Select usage of PhenixID ADFS MFA Adapter(s)


  1. Browse to https://<your_adfs_domain>/adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon
  2. Perform primary authentication
  3. Test the MFA authentication through the PhenixID ADFS MFA Adapter.

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