Release Notes
Identity Manager 5.2.0


  • Product: Identity Manager
  • Platform: Windows and Linux

IM Web 5.2.0 updates released on February 6th 2019

PhenixID Identity Manager 5.2.0 update improves the stability, compatibility and security of your solution, and is recommended for all installations.

1. Support to right click

Support for right click is now reintroduced in IM

2. New role selector

A new role selector has been added with new functionality and improved performance.

  • All roles evaluation for a user will be LDAP query based. Traditionally we supported LDAP directory group membership as primary the way to assign a user to an IM role. Changing this to an LDAP query we still support group membership to assign a role but now a role can be assigned on any LDAP query, not just group membership.
    Examples of this:

    • User is member of an LDAP group that is associated with the IM role.
    • User has a value in an LDAP attribute that is associated with the IM role. for example department=IT.
    • User is a manager and belong to a specific LDAP group.
  • Since we now use LDAP queries fully a role association can be very simple and also very complex.

Link to PSD on how to configure the new role selector, PSD1121

3. Support for nested groups

The previous versions of IM did only support “direct assigned” membership to the IM role.

With the support of LDAP query associations to a IM role this can now be done simple and with great performance.
An IM roll is associated with an LDAP group called TEST_IM_ROLE
A user is member of a group called Group1.
Group1 is a member of Group2.
Group2 is member of TEST_IM_ROLE (the user has an indirect or a nested membership in the group TEST_IM_ROLE)
See PSD in above bullet for example.

4. Drop down list (Combo box) issue with language translation and predefined search

An issue with translated display values has been corrected in the combo box (drop down list) component. The issue only occurred when the combo box was used in a predefined search.

5. DISPLAY_ADDITIONAL_ATTRIBUTES with predefined search

If you are not having the tag for display additional attributes in a predefined search and like to use the policy DISPLAY_ADDITIONAL_ATTRIBUTES in instead, this have not been working correctly in the new Main view.
This is now corrected.

6. Using large forms with small displays all data is not visible issue

This is now corrected with scroll bars added to the browser window.

7. Updated ADEdition with new role selector

With this release the ADEdition has been updated using the new role selector. Please read more in PSD1097