PIM 5.7.0 – Release Notes
PhenixID Identity Manager 5.7.0 improves the stability, compatibility and security of your solution, and is recommended for all installations.
1. Well known Log4J v2 CVE corrected
On December 9th 2021 a high severity vulnerability of Log4j V2 was detected that affects all application using log4j-X-2.14.0.jar or earlier.
PIM versions prior to this is affected.
PIM 5.7.0 includes log4j-X-2.17.0.jar which is a version where the vulnerability is corrected.
For more information about the bug, please read:
PIM Configurator has also been updated to the same version.
2. Log4J v1 support is removed
Important note!
Log4J v1 support is removed
- log4j-1.2.16.jar is removed from the \..\application\WEB-INF\lib)
- log4j.xml is removed from (\..\customer\extension\class)
Note! If you upgraded to PIM 5.7.0 you need to manually remove the log4j.xml file.
We have removed several dependencies in code for Log4Jv1. These dependencies are removed both in the product but also in downloadable class-files on our support site.
If you have issues with PIM 5.7.0 that you think is linked to Log4Jv1, here are some recommendations:
- If you think a PIM core or downloaded file is the issue, please contact PhenixID Support.
- If you have custom develop code:
- (Recommended). Update your code to use Log4J v2 instead of v1 and remove the v1 dependency. Contact the developer.
- (Not recommended) Add the log4j-1.2.16.jar and log4j.xml. See this as a quick fix till you have removed the dependency to Log4J v1 so you can run PIM 5.7.0 without Log4J v1.
3. Landscape added to PDF export
Export data to PDF or Excel can be done in Main view and using some custom controls. With PIM 5.7.0, exporting to PDF you can now select portrait or landscape.

4. MLDAP minor correction
MLDAP was introduced in PIM 5.6.6. PIM 5.6.6 required to have CDATA in the LDAP query regardless type of query. CDATA should only be required if you have parentheses in the LDAP query.
MLDAP now works like the LDAP function does.
For more information, please read PSD1145
5. Create custom title for Create and Edit forms
In Edit and Create forms you have a label.
* Create forms will by default have Create New as label
* Edit forms will by default have for an object with CN=Bobby Berry, Edit object: Bobby Berry

With PIM 5.7.0 you can now have custom titles or remove the name from edit forms title. Configure this as policy or as a tab parameter. If you do nothing it will by default work like previous versions.
CUSTOM_FORM_CREATE_TITLE=your custom title
CUSTOM_FORM_EDIT_TITLE=your custom title {VALUE}
Below are examples using edit form and CN=Bobby Clarke:
The result is: Edit object: Bobby Clarke
The result is: Edit
6. Auto expand categories during login
If you use categories and like to have one, several or all categories expanded during login, this is now possible.
If you have one category you like to expand with one search to auto execute using “Run on launch”, this is also supported.

For more information, please read PSD1113
7. Cancel button added to Self Service
In previous version of PIM you only had an Apply button in the Self Service view. If you had added data that like to undo you had no Cancel button. This has now been added.

To add the Cancel button and/or change Cancel to custom text you can this using added as policy or as tab parameter. The new policy/parameters are:
SHOW_CANCEL_BUTTON=true (false is default)
Button_Cancel=custom text Default is Cancel.
For more information, please read PSD1168
8. Missing username and/or password added to login page
If a user for some reason does not add a username and/or a password the following information text will be displayed.

9. Hoover text if value is too long in result grid
If you have some values in the result grid, you can now hoover to see the entire value.

10. Filter in result grid on more than one value
If you like to filter in the result grid for all users with Name that starts with Bob or Tom this was not possible in previous version. In PIM 5.7.0 this is now possible using semi colon as separator.

11. Radio button in predefined search bug corrected
If you had a radion button control in a predefined search, it did not matter what value you selected. PIM always used the first in the list. This has now been corrected.
12. MultiList custom control update
Two updates have been added to the MultiList control.
See explanation and screenshot below.
- Search field width in pixels (default is 250)
The width of the search box in MultiList and MultiListString custom control can be now be customisable. Some users have found the search dialog box somewhat short. The width of this box is now configurable. - Show total number of records (default is true)
Option to have the label “Total info” visible or not have been added as a parameter.

Extras. PIM/PIP Use Cases
We have and will keep creating use cases to provide different solutions on how PIP and PIP can be used.
An overview of all use cases can be found in PSD1173.