PIM 6.0.0 – Release Notes
The new release of PhenixID Identity Manager (PIM) improves the stability, compatibility and security of your solution, and is recommended for all installations.
1. Updated user interface
The user interface (ui) has in PIM 6.0.0 been updated. The idea is that the structure in the product is the same. This means that all create, predefined search and edit forms will work the same, but the UI is a new look and feel.
Note that with all new releases and especially with this one you will need to test all forms to verify that the look is OK.

Please watch this movie to see the updates in the UI:
PIM look and feel updates (Swedish only)
2. Update of JAVA, dependencies and Tomcat
- Java has been updated to Java 17
- Apache Tomcat has been updated to Apache Tomcat/9.0.56
- All dependencies in the /lib folder have been reviewed and a lot of them have been updated to new versions.
Note that with all new releases and especially with this one you will need to test all forms to verify that the look is OK.
The same updates of Java and dependencies have been updated in IM Configurator as well.
3. Disable a role did not work as expected
If you for some reason need to disable a role there is a policy, ENABLED=FALSE/TRUE. If you tried to disable a role using ENABLED=FALSE, it did not work.
This has now been corrected.
4. Unsuccessful login audit event correction
When writing unsuccessful logins to audit it did not have the same format as for example successful logins.
This has now been corrected and a new event id and event name have been added.
5. Manage the avatar
In PIM 6.0.0 we added an avatar up in the right corner.

For more information about the avatar, please read PSD1193
6. PIM Configurator 6.0.0 also available
There is also a new PIM Configurator 6.0.0 available with some minor updates.
7. Manage proxyAddresses Custom Control
We used to have a custom control to mainly manage proxyAddresses in an Active Directory / Exchange environment. This control was outdated and is now replaced with an updated version.
Old custom control name: Controls.ExchangeMailAddress
New custom control name: se.nordicedge.controls.lists.ExchangeMailAddressControl

For more information about the avatar, please read PSD1194
10. Generalized-Time with Active Directory
In Active Directory some date values are stored in Generalized-Time format. Examples are whenCreated and whenModified. For this time format you can use the TODAY variable to do calculations. For example
- View all user that is created the last 10 days.
Using this in an Active Directory (AD) did not work as expected. AD stores the time value differently than other LDAP directories.
This has now been corrected, however you need to add a policy to get this to work in en Active Directory environment. See below.
11. Update to ImageManager custom control
If no images is added to the control a default images has now been added to the control.
12. Updates to change look and feel
We have added more support to change look and feel for PIM. For example, you like to add your company logo and background.
With PIM 6.0 we now ship two CSS to be updated and enabled to your liking. The updates from previous versions are that we now have added support for views and tabs in colouring. We also ship to template files with the installer.
For more information read new look and feel for PIM 6.0 psd, PSD1195
13. Updated to sv.lang
In the new version there are some new words. Since an upgrade does not update the sv.lang file, this needs to be added manually.
- Open \..\PhenixID\IM\customer\lang\sv.lang
- Add the text below in bold to the sv.lang
- Save the file
- Restart PIM
Text to be added to sv.lang for PIM 6.0.0
Welcome to PhenixID Identity Manager=Välkommen till PhenixID Identity Manager
Please select an action on the left=Välj en åtgärd till vänster
Change role=Ändra roll
Sign in=Logga in
Sign out=Logga ut
Total records=Antal poster
Select page orientation (only pdf)=Välj liggande eller stående
Select type=Välj typ
You have made changes that are not saved, do you really want to exit?
Object has been edited, are you sure you want to close without saving?=Du har gjort ändringar som inte är sparade, vill du verkligen avsluta?
Select orientation=Välj liggande eller stående
Extras. PIM/PIP Use Cases
We have and will keep creating use cases to provide different solutions on how PIP and PIP can be used.
An overview of all use cases can be found in PSD1173.