PIM 6.1.0 – Release Notes
The new release of PhenixID Identity Manager (PIM) improves the stability, compatibility and security of your solution, and is recommended for all installations.
1. Language improvement
With PIM 6.1.0 we introduce overlay using language. This means that there will for English and Swedish be two language files for each language used. (PIM still support the addition of several languages, for any other custom language file there will be only one file.)
Why is this introduced? Previously we sometime change PIM core components, like the result grid. Since a new grid probably includes new terms, a customer needs to add them manually to there existing language files. With overlay, this is not necessary anymore since it will automatically work since new terms are added to the application language file.
For more information about managing language, please read PSD1201
2. Session time-out improvement
When a PIM session is about to time-out two things happens:
- A green bar at the bottom of the page will state that the session is about to time-out.
- When the session is time-out a red bar will be added at the bottom at the screen stating that the session has ended.
A problem with above since the green bar still is available, a screen reader will read the green bar info as well as the red bar info.
In this version the red bar will replace the green bar when session has ended.
For more information sessions, please read PSD1091
3. User data of logged in user available in search base when doing LDAP queries
In PIM we already supports LDAP searches with data collected from the logged in user. For example, I like to use the logged in users department value in a predefined search.
In this version we have also added support to use logged in user data in the search base as well.
For example, a user logs in with the attribute extensionName=School1.
A predefined search could then look like:
OU=[extensionName],DC=company,DC=SE where for this user the search base would be OU=School1,DC=company,DC=SE when the search execute.
For more information, please read PSD1152
4. PIM losing connection to LDAP server
This correction address PIM hosting several /customer folders. For example when you like one PIM installation/service using different LDAP directories.
If you have several customer folders (e.g. /customer, /customer1, /customerX) where all customer folders use different LDAP directories and LDAP servers, if one LDAP server becomes unreachable then PIM will stop working for all customer applications.
In PIM 6.1.0 this has been corrected. One unreachable LDAP server will NOT bring down all LDAP connections.
5. CSS updates
Changing the look and feel of PIM can be done in several ways. For example, you like to change a logo, a text or remove the language option.
For more information, please read PSD1195
If you like to change CSS data for PIM we now ship two example CSS files. This is for you to better help understanding what can be changed. Those example files will be updated for each upgrade if any updates has been added.
6. Buttons greyed when nothing to save
We have added a policy/tab parameter to change the behaviour in PIM regarding form buttons. If you open an Edit or Create forms all buttons will be greyed (not active) except the Close button if policy/tab parameter is applied. When you changes something in the form, add a value for example the buttons will lid up.
The new policy/tab parameter is called:
GREY_FORM_BUTTONS=true/false (default is false)
For more information, please read PSD1168
In example below I have added a value to the Mobile number and the buttons lid up:

7. ImageManager improvement
If you added more than one ImageManager to a form then the two controls got in conflict. This is now corrected.
For more information about image manager, please read PSD1151
8. Filter what to send to Audit log
All audit data e.g. login, logoff, who did what is by default written to the audit.log file. If you like to filter what event not to be written to the log-file you can now do that.
For example, the PIPFilter that sends data from PIM to PIP will log a lot in the PIM audit log. If you like PIPFilter audit logs not to be written in the PIM log file then the configuration would look like:
For more information configuring this and eventIDs, please read PSD1136
9. Display multi-values in grid from other attribute
If you in a result grid like to display the Manager attribute value for a user and the value is a DN (distinguishedName) this might be hard to relate to as a user. If you instead like to show the displayName value of the manager this has been possible for a long time in PIM.
If you like to do the same thing for a multi-value attribut, this has not been possible. In PIM 6.1.0 this is now also possible. See screenshot below where the groups a user are member of is displayed.
For more information about manage values in grid or in a form, please read PSD1066
FILTER_ADDITIONAL_ATTRIBUTE can be used to present values in a grid in a more easy to understand format. PIM includes filters for date, time and distinguishedName (DN). In previous versions you could only add the filters as policies in DSEditor.properties.
With PIM 6.1.0 you can now also add them as Tab Parameters.
For more information about filters, please read PSD1066
For more information about tab parameters, please read PSD1164
Extra. PIM/PIP Use Cases
We have and will keep creating use cases to provide different solutions on how PIP and PIP can be used.
An overview of all use cases can be found in PSD1173.